duminică, 11 martie 2012

Pics from Ian's twitter !!!

 Damon feeding=biting my own arm(hard)for Damon post-production sound work.Its the only realistic way to make sound good.
by Ian
Ball of babies on  set...Cute factor is fricking ridi

by Ian 
Dave Mathews' guitars that I dont get to see him play@John Varvatos/Stuart House Benefitright now-on plane back to Atl:( 

by Ian

PS- I met Alice Cooper today! Holy $h&t! What a weekend...I use to air guitar that dude when I was a youngster.Major... 

OMG !!!Stop !Cum ? Ian la intalnit pe Alice Cooper inaintea mea ? Nu este drept ! Cine mai urmeaza Ozzy , Slash , Amy Dumas ?

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